What we do

Capacity building​

We carry out human rights training, sensitization and organizing platform where rights holders and duty bearers engage each other on pertinent issues and draw up action points.​

Provision of legal aid services​

We provide fees for vulnerable victims to get justice through courts of law, conduct mobile legal aid clinics in communities, and provide legal counseling.​

Routine monitoring and research​

We have trained 105 human rights defenders to monitor rights violations and abuses as well as environmental injustices in communities and report to us for further management/actions.​

Networking and building synergies​

HURIFO believes in working and collaborating with state actors and like-minded organizations in promoting and protecting human rights.​

Human Rights monitoring, documentation and reporting on key concerns in the community (environment, land grabbing, public service delivery (PDM).
Conduct litigation of Public Interest cases to prevent abuse of power and authority (torture, violence, illegal arrest & detention etc) and others.
This is a staging environment