Supported by the University ofCambridge.
Documenting Environmental Destruction in Opok-rom, Awere Subcounty, Pader district.
“Enough is enough” If every leader was concerned about the environmental destruction as the Hon. Councilor V for Awere Sub-county is, our environment would be safer. To the contrary, many leaders at the time of elections, go silent for fear of losing elections. A case in point was the massive sheanut trees cutting and burning for charcoal in Acholi sub region which heightened during the last general elections. In Awere subcounty which was until recently the home of the Sates

Minister for Environment Hon. Beatrice Atim Anywar and that of the Pader district Forestry Officer, Mr. Okello Martin, the villages of Opok-rom and Bolo-agweng of this sub county were the epicenters sheanut trees charcoal logs. At the time of visit, 11 huge piles of 16 cutdown and unsplit sheanut trees lay on the ground waiting to be cut into pieces, piled together, covered with soil and burnt.

Local leaders of Rackoko B village reported the matter to Rackoko police out post, and to Pader district Forestry Officer, but they haven’t taken any action against Juliana Akot for massively cutting down
these sheanut trees for charcoal.
The district Forestry Officer Pader, said that he was aware and has complied names of people cutting down sheanut trees, but he didn’t mention what action he will take against them.
HURIFO has since organized an environmental sensitization dialogue in the village to sensitize people on environmental protection and conservation.
Land conflict mediation in Pader district.
140 clan members gather together to resolved land conflict between two widows in Pader district. Family members of one widow ganged up to chase away anther over a disputed one acre of land in Palenga Aywee village, Oryang Parish, Paule sub county Pader district on March 16 2021